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How many marketplaces do you sell on?
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How many monthly orders do you get (on average)?
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See what’s selling in real time, know your profits, and easily catch hidden costs.

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See net profits & COGS per SKU

View live sales feed

Find hidden costs, fees, returns

View ROI for PPC ad spend

Filter data by date, buyer & more

Forecast stock with intelligent alerts

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Summary Sync


Send an accurate summary of ALL data to QuickBooks, and close your books in a few clicks.

+ everything in Profit Analytics

Schedule a Demo

Everything in Profit Analytics

Sync summary data to QuickBooks

Generate P&L in a click

Match 1099k for fast tax filing

Track transaction by ID

Reconcile all transactions, fees, returns

Get free 1:1 onboarding

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Inventory Sync


Get every transaction, fee, return, & expense per product in QuickBooks. Plus auto-updated inventory.

+ everything in Profit Analytics and QuickBooks Summary Sync

Schedule a Demo

Everything in Profit Analytics and Quickbooks Summary Sync

Sync data per SKU to QuickBooks product

Get accurate landed costs per item

Map bundles to SKU (1:1 or 1:many)

Reconcile every transaction, fee, expense, return to QuickBook SKU

Track inventory per fulfillment channel (including returns)

Convert sale currency to USD

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Amazon, Shopify, Ebay, and Walmart count as one marketplace.

Enter your numbers, and see your custom price

How many monthly orders do you get (on average)?
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SummarySync Lite


Send an accurate summary of ALL data to Quickbooks, and close your books in a few clicks.

+ everything in Profit Analytics

Get a Demo

everything in Profit Analytics

Sync summary data to QB

Generate P&L in a click

Match 1099k for fast tax filing

Track transaction by ID

Reconcile all transactions, fees, returns

US email support

Up to 500 monthly orders

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Free 1:1 onboarding

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US phone support

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Summary Sync Lite


Send an accurate summary of ALL data to Quickbooks, and close your books in a few clicks.

+ everything in Profit Analytics

Try Free

Everything in Profit Analytics

Sync summary data to QB

Generate P&L in a click

Match 1099k for fast tax filing

Track transaction by ID

Reconcile all transactions, fees, returns

US email support

Up to 500 monthly orders

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Free 1:1 onboarding

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US phone support

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Which plan is right for me?

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Aside for Amazon, which other marketplaces do you automate accounting for?

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Which versions of QuickBooks does ConnectBooks work with?

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Do I need to know accounting to use ConnectBooks?

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How far back can ConnectBooks download transactions?

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Will I need help with setup?

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What if my order count is less in some months?

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How do I know the data is accurate?

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Does ConnectBooks use accrual accounting?

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How do you handle multiple currencies?

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Have other questions?

Contact us so we can help you out.

Report 2
increase profits

My revenue has grown 3x!

In Amazon it comes down to a couple of percentage points that can really put you ahead. The level of detail ConnectBooks gives us is crucial — we see our expenses and real end profit as often as we want. Their automation keeps us lean on accounting, and their reporting helped us triple our net profits.

Robert Gomez
Founder, kaffe Products
robert gomez

Save hours each month, eliminate QuickBooks errors and make smarter buying decisions.

It looks like business is booming, and you're not a very small business anymore (congrats, btw!). You've exceeded monthly order volume for the lite plans. Check out the plans for most businesses (and enjoy the extra features you get.)

Sounds good